Media ID: 55382004
Media ID: 55378885
Media ID: 55376793
Media ID: 55371412
Middle school students in China review for their college
entrance examination. (REUTERS/Claro Cortes IV)
Medical Program to Release Stress May Help Reduce Diabetes Risk
London- US researchers in Pennsylvania have developed a medical program to reduce anxiety through meditation and body awareness. Eight weeks later, researchers concluded that the program not only reduces stress, but could also lower blood sugar. Dr. Nazia Raja-Khan...Caption:
Hospital bed. AFP file photo
Prozac Nation Is Now the United States of Xanax
New York- This past winter, Sarah Fader, a 37-year-old social media consultant in Brooklyn who has generalized anxiety disorder, texted a friend in Oregon about an impending visit, and when a quick response failed to materialize, she posted on Twitter to her...Caption:
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