Media ID: 55384921
Media ID: 55376304
Media ID: 55370502
Media ID: 55350793
Media ID: 55348819
The Lebanese parliament approved a number of new taxes to finance the new wage scale. (NNA)
Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri at the Baabda presidential palace on June 11. (Dalati & Nohra)
Aoun-Hariri Meeting Raises Lebanon’s Optimism in Approving New Electoral Law
Beirut – A meeting between Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Sunday helped overcome some of the remaining obstacles that are hindering the approval of a new parliamentary electoral law. The meeting at the presidential palace in Baabda...Caption:
Lebanon’s Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil speaks during an interview with Reuters in Beirut October 21, 2014. REUTERS/Sharif Karim
Lebanon Targets Curbing Deficit to 8.7% Next Year
Beirut – Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil said on Thursday that the government aims to curb the 2017 budget deficit from 9.3 percent in 2016 down to 8.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Khalil projected government expenditures at LL23.67 trillion...Caption:
Lebanon’s Prime Minister Tammam Salam. Reuters
Salam’s Sources Confirm Lebanon’s Commitment in Int’l Regulations to Avoid Sanctions
Beirut- The Lebanese government is facing two choices, either to commit to the U.S. sanctions against the so-called Hezbollah or expose the country to full-scale sanctions that might threaten its banking system. The cabinet tried to cause the least damage possible...Caption:
Minister-Nouhad Macnouk meets Justine Greening in London