Media ID: 55385508
Media ID: 55384634
Media ID: 55382319
Media ID: 55363763
Media ID: 55350389
Iraqi forces advance toward the center of Kirkuk during an operation on Oct. 16. AFP
Macron and al-Abadi at the Elysee on Thursday, REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer
Abadi Does Not Want to Fight Kurds, Erdogan Supports Closing Borders
Paris, Ankara — Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi confirmed on Thursday that he does not want an armed confrontation with the Kurds in relation to the crisis of the referendum on independence held in the Kurdistan region on Sept. 25. Meanwhile, Turkish President...Caption:
Buses lined up near the Syria-Lebanon border to take 308 ISIS militants and their families to ISIS-controlled territory. Louai Beshara/AFP
Abadi’s Position Disrupts ‘Hezbollah-ISIS’ Deal
Beirut- A deal reached between Lebanon’s “Hezbollah” and ISIS to transfer militants from east Lebanon and Qalamoun to west Syria at the Iraqi border was seemingly disrupted on Friday after the Iraqi government headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi...Caption:
Carter Confirms Continuation of US Support For Iraq’s War on Terror
The Prime Minister of the Iraqi government Haider Al-Abadi yesterday held talks with the US Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter who arrived in the Iraqi capital yesterday. They discussed the progress of military operations against ISIS in Mosul and the latest...Caption: