Media ID: 55384790
Media ID: 55384415
Media ID: 55383313
Media ID: 55368741
Media ID: 55382748
A Lebanese soldier mans a checkpoint at the entrance of the Ain el-Hilweh refugee camp in southern Lebanon. (Reuters)
Lebanese leader MP Walid Jumblat. (Reuters)
Detainee Reveals ISIS Plot to Assassinate Lebanon’s Jumblat
Beirut – A Palestinian detainee in Lebanon, held on terrorism charges, revealed that the ISIS terrorist group had plotted to assassinate Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat, as well as carry out a number of attacks in the country. Imad Yassine told a court where he was...Caption:
The US embassy in Lebanon. (Asharq Al-Awsat)
Panic, Fear among Lebanese after Embassies’ Security Warnings
Beirut – Western embassies in Lebanon issued security warnings during the past two days, causing panic and fear among the Lebanese people. The security forces assured however that the situation is under control, even if it was delicate in wake of the battles in...Caption:
Soldiers at the entrance to the Ain el-Hilweh camp in Sidon. (AFP)
Lebanon Steps up Security Measures after Arrest of Suspected Terrorists
The Lebanese army tightened security around the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh on Saturday less than 24 hours after the arrest of a cell led by an Egyptian national hiding in the shantytown that lies near the city of Sidon. The state-run National News...Caption:
Lebanese General Security chief Major General Abbas Ibrahim. (NNA)