Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

Africa | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55371867

In this video grab released by the Italian Coast Guard in 2015, migrants sit in a boat during a rescue operation off the coast of Sicily as part of the Frontex-coordinated Operation Triton. (AFP)

Media ID: 55371540

African migrants receive food and medical care in Tripoli following their rescue after their boat sank off Libya on April 13, 2017

Media ID: 55370390

A Chinese worker fixes pipes at a construction site in Sudan in February 2012. AFP

Media ID: 55369986

King Mohammed VI of Morocco reviews a guard of honour at the National palace during his state visit to Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, November 19, 2016. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri

Media ID: 55369962

Tunisian Flag. REUTERS