Middle-east Arab News Opinion | Asharq Al-awsat

International Reaction Against Trump’s Ban on Muslims | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55345794

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Billionaire Donald Trump agitated both republican GOP presidential candidates and the world when he proposed shutting the door to Muslims by banning them from entering the United States.
The White House stated on Tuesday Trump’s comments about restricting Muslims disqualified the GOP front-runner from serving as president, adding that the Republican Party should eliminate him immediately. The proposal was dubbed “morally reprehensible” by Obama’s government; both Democrats and Republicans alike denounced Trump’s proposal.
The Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls considered Trump’s proclamation an attempt to stoke hatred and conflations stressing that “Our only enemy is radical Islamism.”
As for Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron’s spokesperson condemned Trump’s suggestions as divisive.
Trump’s heated rhetoric scared and confused many Muslims around the world, especially Syrians suffering in overcrowded refugee camps who were hoping to be granted asylum in the United States.