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Jean-Louis Bruguiere: ‘We have to Prepare to Face ISIS 2’ | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Media ID: 55362482

Former French Judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere speaks at a lecture at the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington on June 22, 2009. AFP

Paris- French Examining Magistrate in charge of counter-terrorism affairs Jean-Louis Bruguiere has called for preparedness to deal with “ISIS 2,” which he expected to be formed after the terrorist organization’s loss of its strongholds in Mosul and Raqqah and the death of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Bruguiere, who retired in 2007, was one of the most prominent French examining magistrates in terrorism affairs. He expected al-Baghdadi to be killed by his close-circle or by Arab tribes that abandoned him after signs that the “Caliphate” which he announced in June 2014, was collapsing.

In an interview in Paris on the occasion of releasing his book “Paths of Terrorism,” Bruguiere considered that Baghdadi’s death will not affect the intensity of the terrorist threat given that al-Baghdadi will be succeeded by another Caliph, who will also look for a new land to spread extremism and attract radicals.

Bruguiere said that most probably this territory will be in Libya, Saharan countries, a number of east African countries or even states in Central or Southeast Asia.

Therefore, the French magistrate urged officials, investigators and anti-terror security agencies to think about what “ISIS 2” would be like, taking into consideration that it will replace the original ISIS.

Meanwhile, Magistrate Bruguiere believes that the current and direct terror threat is still the same and it may have intensified with the losses ISIS is facing in Syria and Iraq given the decline in the demographic and geographical area controlled by the terrorist organization.

According to Bruguiere, al-Baghdadi – due to the losses his organization is suffering in Syria and Iraq as a result of dual military pressure on the borders of Syria and Iraq – will seek revenge from his enemies by carrying out huge and organized terrorist operations that will put pressure on officials and the public opinion.

In addition to France and Belgium, which have been lately hit by ISIS’ terrorism, Bruguiere expects the United States, Italy and Germany to be the preferred targets in future terrorist attacks.

He expected the United States to be targeted because of its role in the international coalition, Italy because it embraces the papacy and the symbol of Christianity, and Germany as a result of the huge number of refugees and immigrants it has been receiving since 2015.