Baghdad, Munich- Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi vowed on Friday that in the coming year Iraqi security forces will defeat ISIS in his country.
Addressing audience at the Munich Security Conference, Al-Abadi said, “the area we have liberated so far is more than half of what was occupied by ISIS before. Now we have almost all governorates liberated apart from Nineveh and part of al-Anbar.”
“We intend this year to make it the final year and the last year for the existence of ISIS in Iraq,” he was quoted.
Al-Abadi stated that reforms his government had undertaken improved efficiency of Iraqi forces. ”ISIS is losing ground. They are not only losing militarily in combating our forces, but they are losing ground among Iraqi population,” he added.
Abadi praised people in Al-Anbar city saying: “the citizens in al-Anbar are welcoming our security forces; they are fighting alongside our military in liberating their areas. The people living in areas controlled by ISIS are moving to areas controlled by Iraqi security forces because they feel safer”, Abadi said.
Also, spokesman from the Prime Minister’s office announced the formation of a committee for selecting new technocratic candidates for the management of the ministries.
The special committee will comprise experts, professionals, and specialists; noting that technocracy differs from traditional democracy where individuals elected to leading roles are chosen through a process that emphasizes their relevant skills and proven performance, as opposed to whether or not they fit the majority interests of a population. Decisions made by technocrats are based on information derived from methodology rather than opinion.
The list of professional ministers selected to take over the ministries will be announced after the approval of the House of Representatives.