Media ID: 55347249
Media ID: 55346967
Media ID: 55346469
Media ID: 55345861
Media ID: 55345861
Opinion: How Will History Consider the “Arab Spring”?
It has become a habit to associate large social movements with the seasons of the year or specific colours. What happened in the Arab region in 2011 became known as the “Arab Spring”, what has taken place in Ukraine during the last two years is known as the “Orange...Caption:
Opinion: The Achievement of Egyptian Women
It seems that international politics is managed to some extent by impressions, regardless of the facts on the ground or trying to understand what is going on, and this is the impression that is generated by the position of many in the west about the Egyptian...Caption:
Opinion: Agreements on Syria
More hopes are being raised that the situation in Syria is developing and leading to tranquility and an end of a war which escalated from local, peaceful uprising to a civil war and finally to a war with international and regional dimensions. There is a fear that what...Caption: