Media ID: 55306826
Media ID: 55305952
Media ID: 55295244
Media ID: 55290385
An Egyptian activist distributes petitions for “Tamarod” (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)
Protesters light flares during a protest at Taksim Square in Istanbul June 12, 2013.(Reuters/Osman Orsal)
Opinion: Is Taksim another Tahrir?
I long held the view that the US constitution made a grave mistake in limiting a presidential term to just four years. In light of the 22nd amendment, which limits presidents to just two terms in office, the entire situation seemed quite extreme to my eyes. My view...Caption:
Egyptian protesters run for cover from tear gas fired by riot police during clashes in Cairo, on March 8, 2013. (AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD KHALED
Opinion: Echoes of the Arab Spring
Finally, the death of the Arab Spring was declared by the same voices that announced its birth two years ago. US writer Thomas Friedman consistently praised what he referred to as the “spring,” the “awakening,” or the “revolution.” He welcomed the upheaval that took...Caption:
President Barack Obama addressing a crowd in Chicago, Friday February 15 2013 (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)