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White House Says Will Respond to Iran’s Missile Test, Other Actions | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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The United State’s White House said on Thursday it would respond to Iran’s ballistic missile test and other hostile actions, a day after President Donald Trump’s national security adviser put Tehran on “notice,” but it stopped short of providing any details.

“We will have further updates for you on those additional actions, but clearly (national security adviser Michael Flynn) warned to make sure that Iran understood that they are on notice that this is not going unresponded to,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.

On another hand, President Trump reiterated his concerns about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) deal on Thursday and said he would like to speed up talks to either renegotiate or replace the deal.

“I would like to speed it up if possible. You’re the folks who can do it,” Trump said in the Oval Office where he met with bipartisan lawmakers from the Senate and House of Representatives.

Trump said Wilbur Ross, his pick for Commerce Secretary, would lead the negotiations.