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Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects | ASHARQ AL-AWSAT English Archive 2005 -2017
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Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

London, Jeddah, Asharq Al-Awsat – The Saudi Arabian interior ministry issued a new list on Tuesday of 36 wanted militants suspected of having links to attacks in the kingdom.

In the latest response to a two-year campaign of bombings and killings by supporters of Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda group, state television broadcasted pictures of the suspects and offered large rewards for their capture.

These individuals were no ordinary criminals but “members of a dangerous group who distort Islam, promote deviant ideology and threaten the security of the country”, said Lieutenant Mansur al Turki, Interior Ministry spokesman.

Officials say at least 90 civilians and more than 40 members of the security forces have been killed by militants and attacks have caused at least 250 million US dollars worth of damage.

But police have killed more than 100 militants in the same period and there have been no attacks this year on the scale of the multiple suicide bombings of residential compounds in 2003 or the targeted killings of Westerners twelve months ago.

The Ministry offered a reward of up to 1.8 million US dollars for anyone who helps capture a militant or foil an attack.

Most of the wanted men were Saudis but some were from Chad, Yemen, Morocco and Mauritania. Fifteen were believed to be at large in the Kingdom while 21 were outside Saudi Arabia, the statement reported on national television.

Al Turki revealed that the Ministry had contacted the respective governments of the individuals on the list who are not Saudi citizens but received no reply. The authorities therefore decided to publish their names.

According to a security source who spoke with Asharq Al-Awsat on the condition of anonymity the most dangerous member of the next generation of terrorists is 36 year old Younes Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Hayari of Morocco. &#34Our assessment is that he is now the leader of Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Saudi Arabia&#34. &#34He is highly trained in military combat and was trained in Bosnia.&#34 The sources also added that Al-Hayari entered the kingdom with a Bosnian passport, that he is married to a Bosnian woman, and that they have a child together and are both with him.

Asharq Al-Awsat also spoke with the family of the 22nd most wanted on the new list. According to Saleh Al-Muhayani, Fahd”s father, his 24 year old son has been missing since October of last year, and after he was forced out of the house for his behavior. &#34After a while, I notified the police because I was worried about him. They interviewed me and asked me to contact them if I knew anything about his whereabouts.&#34

Saudi security consultant Nawaf Obeid said most of the Saudis who make up 29 of the 36 names on the new list were “second tier” militants who had worked under more senior operatives, most of who have been killed or captured.

Three people were still wanted from the original list, al Turki added, since the Ministry has not yet obtained concrete proof that Abdullah Mohammed Rashid al Rushoud was killed in Iraq during a military operation in the city of al Qaim , as claimed by al Qaeda.

The new list does not include the two surviving individuals from the original list, Salah Mohammed al Alawi al Ufi and Talib Saud al Talib, both Saudi citizens, who have still not been captured.

In its latest statement, the Saudi authorities called on all suspected militants to surrender themselves to the police, adding that it had informed their families of their fugitive status.

It also warned against providing assistance to the 36 most wanted men as anyone who does so could be prosecuted for supporting terrorism.


1) Younes Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Hayari. Moroccan National.

2) Fahd Faraj Mohammed Al-Juwari. Saudi National.

3) Zaid saad Al-Samari. Saudi National.

4) Abdul-Rahman Saleh Al-Mutib. Saudi national.

5) Saleh Munsor Al-Harbi. Saudi national.

6) Sultan Saleh Al-Haasiri. Saudi National.

7) Mohammed Abdul-Rahman Al-Suwalimi Saudi National.

8) Mohammed Saleh Al-ghaith. Saudi national.

9) Abdullah Abdulaziz Al-tuwajari. Saudi National.

10) Mohammed Saeed Al-umri. Saudi National

11) Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Mutair. Saudi National.

12) Walid Mutlaq Al-Radadi. Saudi National.

13) Nayef Farhan Al-Shemri Saudi National.

14) Majid Hamed Al-Haseri. Saudi national.

15) Abdullah Mahya Al-Shemri. Saudi National.

16) Noor Mohammed Mousa Chad National

17) Manoor Mohammed Yousef Chad National.

18) Othman Mohammed Kurani Chad national.

19) Mohsin Ayed Al-fadly. Kuwaiti National

20) Abdullah Walid Syed. Mauritanian National.

21) Zaid Hassan Hameed. Yemeni National.

22) Fahd Saleh Al-Muhayani. Saudi National

23) Adnan Abdullah Al- Sharif. Saudi National

24) Marzouq Faisal Al-Utaybi. Saudi National

25) Adel Abdul-latif Al-Sunyiah . Saudi National

26) Mohammed Abdul-rahman Al-Dayif. Saudi National.

27) Sultan Sunyatan Al-Dayif. Saudi National.

28) Saleh Saeed Al-ghamdi. Saudi National.

29) Fayez Ibrahem Ayoub. Saudi national.

30) Khalid Mohammed Al-Harbi. Saudi National.

31) Mohammed Othman Al-zahrani. Saudi National.

32) Abdullah Mohammed Alrumyan. Saudi National.

33) Mohammed Saleh Al-Rouwished. Saudi National.

34) Saad Mohammed Al-Shehri. Saudi National.

35) Ali Mater Al-Isaymi. Saudi National.

36) Faris Abdullah Al-Harbi. Saudi National.

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects

Saudi Arabia issues New list of wanted ”terrorist” suspects