Media ID: 55356409
Media ID: 55356407
Media ID: 55356405
Media ID: 55356403
Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard
Soldiers hold a machine gun mounted on a police truck outside Yemen’s Parliament during a session held by parliament for the first time since the start of the civil war two years ago in Sana’a, August 13/ Reuters/ Khaled Abdullah
Yemen’s Insurgency Parliament Uses Intimidation to Pass “Political Council”
Aden- Under the threat of weapons and using the names of dead parliament members, Houthi insurgents loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh continued yesterday to challenge the international community by trying to legitimate their coup through controlling...Caption:
Across the EU, barely 2,000 people have been moved under the EU refugee relocation scheme, while more than a million arrived as refugees in Europe last year (AFP Photo/Yannis Kolesidis)
Europol to Track Terrorists at Refugee Camps in Greece
Athens – A team of anti-terror experts from European police agency Europol is expected to arrive at Greece by the end of August to track extremists or ISIS member among the migrants stuck in the country. A source from Greek police reported that this comes as part of...Caption:
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro speaks during the 16th PetroCaribe Ministerial Council in Caracas. Reuters